eVenT2 UiTM


korang...korang nak taw x...
semesta baru ne...aku bersemangat sangat nak joint event2 yg diadekan kat UiTM..
wahhhh..bestnyer dapat ikot...

event pertama aku haritu ialah orentasi pelajar baru....

comment aku...

"eermm..oklah...suam2 susu jer..maklomlah wat kat pusat Islam.. had pergaulan dibataskan... perempuan group perempuan...xcampur lelaki...
kurang seronaklah hahhhaa....
tapikan overall..oklah..best gak...jadi fasi bersame2 gan khairil, nad, khaitol yg kawan2 yg lain..."

then second event....

mercy malaysia...

semangat aku berkobar2 nak joint..
ingatkan dapat g luar negare lah bantu org..
tapi haramm..hampe...susah gak nak joint
banyak latihan n tranning kene ikot before boleh kuar bantu die org kat luar negare..hhuuuh
then td, 21.09.2011...ingatkan leh registered as mercy malaysia..wahh..
semangatlah g dengar taklimat die...wahhh pening pale..huhu xleh nak masuk sangat heheh...
rase lom sedie jadi sukarelawan mercy malaysia lg ne ko hehhee

comment aku pasal event...
"wahhh.....mengantuksangat..dah lah sorng2 dengar talikmat..boringnyer huhuh...just dengarkan jerlah..at less dapat gak info die...xpe2..time jamuan makan td..haaa ambikko..banyak aku ambik makanan die heheeh..jahat sungguh saye ne kan..hahahaha"
haaa... ne aku nak share info pasal mercy cikit.... rajin bacelah....=)

Mission and Core Values
All staff and volunteers are to uphold the MERCY Malaysia Mission and Core Values in performing their duties at the Headquarters, Country Field
Operations and any locations where staff and volunteers are required to represent the organisation.

MERCY Malaysia is a non-profit organisation focusing on providing medical relief, sustainable health related development and risk reduction activities for

vulnerable communities in both crisis and non-crisis situations.

Our Core Values are:
Motivation-We are highly motivated and passionate
Excellence-We do the right things in the right way; we are accountable to beneficiaries and donors
Respect-We show trust and respect in all our interactions
Collaborations-Working with peers, partners & volunteers builds each other’s strengths & enhances the impacts for beneficiaries
Yearn to Serve-We will go the extra mile to help those in need.

cukuplah tu info mercy...yg lain korang bukan rajin sangat nak taw kan hahahha...

kalau korang rajin korang g webside die...
banyak info pasal mercy yg ade kat  webside tu..
ne pon aku copy kat webside mercy gak hahah=)


tujelah event wat mase ne...lain kali aku update lagi yer...=)


terime kasih...